Why I do not offer Mini Sessions | St Augustine Photographer

October 09, 2017  •  Leave a Comment


Friends it is 11 weeks until Christmas! Time to think about booking those fall photo sessions for Christmas Cards and gifts (grandparents LOVE photos ) I offer CUSTOM packages to best suit YOUR family and YOUR budget. I do not book 'mini' sessions because I feel that makes a family MORE stressed trying to make children perform in a short time frame. I spend time with my clients and do not ever want a child or the family to feel rushed . You spend a lot of time getting ready for your photo session and it should be fun and enjoyable! Not rushed and hurried. 
Yes I realize about every photographer is offering "mini" sessions. A mini session is about shooting as many clients as possible in a short available time, say ten or twenty minutes at a 'cheaper' price and just a few images. I am not implying that is bad, it is just not what I strive to offer my clients. 
Sure I have in the past offered a mini session to try to book as many clients as possible. But in the end not a single one was a mini session, it took closer to an hour. A  Family can  show up late, due to traffic or little ones that were fussy because poor mom has spent the entire afternoon getting ready for their short session. I simply do not feel it is fair to MY clients that hire me. 
I have spent time watching other photographers at the 'popular' photo locations ( I am in North Florida ) they set up in what they feel is their 'spot' and do not move and shoot family after family , often times with screaming, unhappy children, spouses fighting etc. That is just not OK with ME. Being the mother of a Sensory Processing Disorder child (or 2) I know how hard it is raising these special children.  I want to interact and gain the child's trust so he/she is happy and YOU get a great photo. Maybe just one or two. But it is done in a loving, compassionate way. Sometimes posed often just a natural capture .
Sure there are those children that DO great with the first shot and are just little photo bugs ! That is a photographers dream! I spend time , talking to my clients before the session so I know what they desire. That is is why I offer custom packages.Some just want or can afford ONE photo! That is ok. I have a price for that ONE special image. Or if you wish to have 5, or 10 .  I offer digital images or photo packages.
Give me a call, lets meet up and have coffee or tea, MY TREAT. Allow me to help you create a positive, fun, calm family photo session. To cherish for years! 
Photography preserves memories. Photography gives you a way to share your story of life for future generations. Allow me to capture these precious times for you story.
~Life is precious...it is worth capturing~
Take a look at a few families I have had the honor of capturing 

St Augustine Family Photographer | Florida Family Photographer Lisa Olschewske Photography St Augustine Family Photographer | Florida Family Photographer Lisa Olschewske Photography St Augustine Family Photographer | Florida Family Photographer Lisa Olschewske Photography St Augustine Family Photographer | Florida Family Photographer Lisa Olschewske Photography St Augustine Family Photographer | Florida Family Photographer Lisa Olschewske Photography







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